Cheap pre-workouts management

I have never waited this eagerly for my salary to get credited. That is because just like my luck, all the money is spent in buying the expensive pre-workouts, with the hope to get bigger and more vitalized. It was good but then pondered if it was that necessary to spend so much on the... Continue Reading →

When your body says, “Ab Bass…!!!”

“Did you work out today?” or ‘’what is your favorite exercise?” Basically, one word that I have been repeating for the last couple of years is, “exercise.” But what good has happened, when the only thing I hold dear, failed me? Yes, you’re reading it right. For some time, I had to quit working out... Continue Reading →

Allergic to excuses…!

Situation – It’s time for your workout, you want to stick to your HEALTHY LIVING ROUTINE, but you feel like your allergy symptoms are holding you back.  And question is should you hit the gym or wait till the allergies get better! According to the survey, some of the most common allergies are dust allergy, skin... Continue Reading →

Summers, Fitness and them Jeans…!

Summers are here and you have been waiting to wear your favourite jeans from the closet which you couldn’t wear because of the tantalizing winters. Why? Because you gained some and it got stuck in your glutes. Damn. So agonizing. Isn’t it? Took the new year resolution – “Kal se Gym shuru”. And yes, you... Continue Reading →

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